Friday, February 17, 2012

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Introduction to Tinnitus Ear Problem - Ringing Sound In the Ear

What Is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is marked by ringing or buzzing noises in the ear without any clear reason for it, and can indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as tumors or an infection. Tinnitus can be constant, intermittent, or pulsating. It is most always a chronic condition, but can be managed successfully to reduce it's irritating effects.

Tinnitus can be unilateral (one ear) or bilateral (both ears). The word is derived from the Latin tinnitus, or aringing.a It has been a bone of contention for thousands of years, and treatments have varied throughout the ages.
There exists two kinds of tinnitus. In subjective tinnitus, only the person can hear it. In objective tinnitus, your physician can hear it upon examination. Both types have different causes. Objective tinnitus can most often be easily treated, but subjective tinnitus, the type only the person can hear, the treatment can be more of a challenge.
About the author: Barb Hicks is a registered nurse and highly regarded writer who loves to share her knowledge. She is a featured writer on where she posts more articles about What Causes Hearing Impairment and Sudden Hearing Loss Treatments .

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