Firstly, what is shingles? It is typically called Herpes Zoster, a viral infection that develops in folk who have had chickenpox in the past. It can come about when you have been the subject of prolonged emotional distress, an immune reaction disorder like HIV / aids, or taking chemical treatment treatments. Anti-rejection drugs may also cause a shingles outbreak, because these medications must suppress the immune system to avoid rejecting a transplanted organ. Singles may start out as a low grade fever or flu-like symptoms. The fever can then be followed by pain or itchy areas on the skin, then a red rash appears within five days. The rash turns into distressing blisters that begin to leak clear fluid that crusts over then heals.
The question is: are shingles contagious? Shingles is not contagious but the pathogen that's causing it, is. The zoster pathogen spreads by coming in communication with a person with an active zoster infection. You will not get shingles but you may get chickenpox. This is the reason why a niece of mine got chicken pox instead of shingles. She went near a boy who was suffering a bad case of herpes zoster. The following days, she had chicken pox. Varicella and herpes zoster are a result of this same pathogen, varicella zoster. Anyone who has a prior history of chicken pox before can get shingles, but it is mostly seen in people who are 60 years old or older. A main reason that the pathogen kicks back up again is because of emotional stress, which when prolonged will have a repercussion on the immune response, therefore reactivating a pathogen which has been dormant in the body for a long time resulting with a shingles infection. So if in case you have had chicken pox back when you were still young, then the probabilities of getting shingles when you are older is definite.
Who are most at risk? A lady who is pregnant must avoid at any cost getting shingles. If she has no history of chicken pox, then the pathogen being shed can be passed unto her and her unborn child. Should the expecting mum be exposed to a shingle pathogen, then she could develop chicken pox herself and her baby may be born already having chickenpox. This is a scary thought among mothers. To protect yourself from shingles, one must keep away from those who have shingles.
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